Maruti have 27 Cars among which Alto is the most sold car in September. Total 173224 unit sold in September out of which top 3 models are Alto-24844 unit,Alto-24844 unit,Wagon R-20078 unit sold . Out of 27 Maruti Models it has - 5 Hatchback,2 Muv,0 Luxury,10 Sedan,10 Suv. Maruti Upcoming Cars Include - Nexa BALENO CNG,Maruti Swift Hybrid 2025,Maruti e Vitara. Maruti have Record Breaking Quater Sales to 450241 Units in total.
September - 173224,August - 134166,July - 142851 this is the last 3 month Sales of Maruti
Nexa BALENO CNG,Maruti Swift Hybrid 2025,Maruti e Vitara are 3 upcoming cars of maruti in 2022 - 2023